massage therapy

Targeted remedial techniques are designed to meet your current condition and help you reach your future wellness goals. This may include a combination of remedial massage and stretch, and when required incorporate other techniques such as trigger point dry needling, myofascial release, myofascial cupping and PNF stretching, and Finch Muscle Activation system.

Claire begins each session discussing your needs and desired goals, working with you, where ever you’re at. Resulting in a treatment plan, employing a combination of various techniques tailored specifically to your goals.

Deep Tissue Massage
Targets deeper muscle layers to relieve chronic pain. Using slow, deep strokes, it breaks down adhesions, improves mobility, and promotes muscle recovery. Ideal for stiff necks, lower back pain, and sore shoulders, this massage provides lasting relief and supports natural healing.

Myofascial Release
Targets tension and pain in the fascia, the connective tissue around muscles. Using gentle pressure and stretching, it releases restrictions, improves mobility, and alleviates chronic pain. Ideal for those with tightness or movement limitations, this therapy enhances flexibility and overall body function.

Relaxation Massage
Uses gentle techniques to reduce stress and promote well-being. It enhances circulation, eases muscle tension, and induces deep relaxation. Ideal for unwinding and rejuvenation, it improves mood, reduces anxiety, and supports overall health. This massage provides a peaceful escape from daily stress, leaving you refreshed and revitalised.

Incorporating PNF Stretching and the Finch Muscle Activation System into massage therapy enhances flexibility and muscle function. These gentle, assisted stretches target specific muscles, reducing tension and improving range of motion. Ideal for athletes and those with tight muscles, this approach promotes circulation, alleviates stiffness, and supports overall mobility for optimal physical well-being.

Sports Massage
Tailored to athletes and active individuals, focusing on preventing and treating injuries. Using various techniques, it improves flexibility, reduces muscle tension, and enhances performance. Ideal for pre- or post-activity, Sports Massage supports optimal performance and wellness.

Pre/Post Pregnancy Massage
Offers gentle support for mothers before and after childbirth. It alleviates back pain, reduces swelling, and promotes relaxation during pregnancy. Post-pregnancy, it helps restore muscle tone, reduce stress, and improve recovery. This nurturing massage enhances circulation and ensures well-being for both mother and baby.

Trigger Point Dry Needling
A therapeutic technique targeting muscle knots and tension using fine needles. It releases tight areas, alleviates pain, and improves mobility. Effective for chronic pain, sports injuries, and muscle dysfunction, it promotes blood flow, reduces muscle tightness, and accelerates recovery, providing lasting relief.

Myofascial Cupping
Technique using suction cups to release tension in the fascia, the connective tissue around muscles. It improves blood flow, reduces muscle tightness, and enhances mobility. Ideal for relieving chronic pain and promoting healing, it lifts tissue layers for better movement and reduced discomfort, improving overall muscle function and well-being.

What People Are Saying

“Highly recommended. Claire was wonderful, she talked me through what was happening and shared her expertise, which gave me helpful insight into how my muscles were working and what was contributing to my pain. I am looking forward to working with Claire again."

— Jessica T

"My pregnancy massage was one of the best I’ve had. The relief I received from the massage was incredible. All thanks to Claire, she was sweet, smart and an expert in her field. Will definitely be back."

— Ayla P

"My initial massage with Claire today was wonderful, thoroughly recommend. Had a wonderful therapeutic massage. Claire is friendly, professional and gives wonderful advice. Thanks Claire.“

— Deborah P

“Thank you Claire for a great, informed, deep tissue massage. I left feeling way more mobile in. my hips. Claire assessed ny body and found the root cause of my pain and stiffness. Gave a great massage whilst explaining what everything we did was for, and shared great recommendations to help improve my mobility after working my body and understanding my physical particularities. I’ll be back.”

— Julia D